


The holiday season can be a great time with friends and family, during this season but it can also be a lot on your health. So how do you enjoy the glorious holiday repast without sabotaging your health?

Be a smart sugar cookie by following these simple steps to stay healthy during the holiday season:

Wash your hands often. Washing hands can help prevent sickness and prevent the spread of germs. Wash your hands thoroughly, and wash your hands often.

Food-borne illness. 48 million people get sick from a food-borne illness each year, according to the CDC. Thoroughly clean utensils, cook foods to recommended temperatures, and properly store perishable foods.

Eat mindfully. When you’re eating, sit back and allow yourself to truly enjoy your favorite holiday flavors. Pay attention to the taste, aroma and texture of the foods.  Since it takes a few minutes for your stomach’s “I’m full signal” to reach your brain, it’s advisable to take a 10-minute break after your first helping. Other than that, don’t attend a party on an empty stomach as it makes you prone to overeating. As for the dessert, eat only one or two dishes you really love instead of sampling each and every option available on the table.

Stay hydrated. Water accounts for 60% of our body’s total weight and we need to stay hydrated in order to maintain this ratio. Water is also necessary for several bodily functions, including maintaining our cell’s fluids and delivering nutrients Drink plain or infused H2O as often as you can throughout the day. Limit your intake of high-calorie drinks like eggnog, martinis and margaritas.

Reinvent your holiday workout. It might be a bit challenging to make time for a sweat sesh when your social calendar and to-do lists are jam-packed. In order to stay motivated, plan your workout regimen around your holiday schedule. Instead of the usual 30-minute routine, do a 15-minute workout in the morning and evening or go for a 10-minute walk twice daily. The aim is to split your physical activity into smaller, more manageable time intervals.
Boost your immune system. “Eating a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables is one of the best things you can do to bolster your immune system. This will ensure you’re getting some top immune-boosting nutrients, including vitamin C and vitamin A. Eating a handful of nuts and seeds daily is also a great way to fight illness as they contain immune-boosting minerals such as zinc and selenium.

Get a flu shot. The holiday season overlaps with flu season. People typically travel more, and spend more time around other people during this time of year. Flu vaccination is the most effective way to prevent flu outbreaks.

Decorating safety. Accidents and injuries caused by decorating for the holidays are common. Be extra careful when dealing with roofs and ladders, and always keep an eye on young children.

With Agape Family Medical Center, you can receive primary care for a low monthly fee without copays or hurried visits. We remove the hassle of visiting the doctor by giving you the access and discounts you need in a timely manner. We are a family owned healthcare provider.


As the months of your pregnancy begin, we know it can be hard to stay active. You may not feel like moving around much and it may be hard to fit any sort of activity in with everything else going on. But staying active during pregnancy has proven to reduce the risk of complications and make your overall pregnancy experience better. So, we have compiled a list of tips to help you stay on track.

1.Start with a slower walk and move up to a brisker pace. This can be done around your house when you’re going from the parking lot to the grocery store, or during a break at work. Walking is a great, low impact option for pregnant moms.

2.Find a buddy. Having another pregnant mom with you means you can both keep each other accountable and have fun while staying active.

3.Find activities you enjoy. If you didn’t like going to yoga before you got pregnant you aren’t going to like it now. Finding exercises that you like will increase the likelihood of sticking to it. Just be sure to clear them with your doctor first.

4.Sign up for a class. Having a set time every week that you are being active will help keep you on track!

5.Dance around This is an awesome way to have fun and get yourself moving. Put on some of your favorite pump up music and dance around your house. If you have other children this is a great way to get them involved as well!

Using these tips to help you stay active will help keep both you and your baby healthy and happy. Just make sure to check with us before starting a new exercise routine.

With Agape Family Medical Center, you can receive primary care for a low monthly fee without copays or hurried visits. We remove the hassle of visiting the doctor by giving you the access and discounts you need in a timely manner. We are a family owned healthcare provider.


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